Monday, November 4, 2013

Leaves ever changing

Your eyes are glued
To the outside of your
window, the leaves are falling.
Left, Left, Left, Right, Left, Up, Down, All around,
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Purple,
Each singular leaf’s path may not be foreseen.
Floating, Fluttering, Flipping, Flopping, onto the ground.
Along comes the rake, sweeping the leaf onward.
After it is swept onto and into the pile, you may not see it for a while.
Roll, Spin, Flip, Glide, many leaves are brought from Eurus, bringing a
Clumsy, Crazy, Curvy Boreas gust even closer to the frozen tundra
that we call Minnesota, or the place where hell froze over Hades
 Only time will tell us if the breeze will guide the leaves on a path, that may not be disturbed, or if the
gods of wind control their path so that they may bring happiness to all
who come upon the path of a leaf, Floating, Fluttering, Flipping, Flopping.
 Whirly, Light, filthy, clean as a whistle, weak, wet, dried, and dirty.
Puny, large, small, Humungous, Obscene
Each singular leaf’s path has been foreseen.
Left, Left, Left, Right, Left, Up, Down, All around,
Every leaf still has a little green,
and each with its own unique sheen.
Our eyes begin to fade, as we
Begin to blink, and notice that our eyes
Are no longer fixated on the window glass panes,
That is when we venture outside of our safe, warm, homes.
We take the gamble,
whip the poker face out to hide our fear
of Mother Nature’s gravitating force.
The leaves are falling, down, down, down.
Ringing around Rosie, falling down again.
Our vision starts to fade, as we become
enclosed from head to toe in leaves.
Breathing Heavily, emerged I am.

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