Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thanksgiving feel

Luke throws his broccoli at James,
 hitting him in the face, causing James to fall out of his chair laughing.
The aroma of pies baking in the oven
The long wooden table holds all the wonderful food.
The turkey is not dry this year; it’s finally cooked just right!
The marvelous cranberry sauce, handmade by Grandma Kathy looks like red applesauce.
Saying grace before eating, is something we do every time we eat.
After eating,
“I feel like the turkey, all stuffed up and stuff”
my cousin Brandon exclaims,
puffing his stomach out as if he’s pregnant.
As we are waiting for the pie,
My little cousin Teagan is more excited than anyone to see snow falling
“I’m a snow angel, falling from the sky.”
The blueberry pie is succulent with the juices exploding in your mouth.
A kooky family member who has had a bit too much to drink,
hollers “I’m flying like the turkey before he was shot”
Flapping his “wings” until he drops on the couch and passes out.
This was the first thanksgiving for newly born baby Kylie.
This year we propose a toast to the well being of everyone present.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

"Shadow" poem but not really

Watching from the outside looking in
Stepping out of the black 2004 Ford Explorer
I walk closely behind what seems like an under privileged person as we enter Target.
I can’t help but notice that he isn’t dressed for the chilly weather.
I take notice that they are shivering, and shaking.
As I enter the store, we head our separate ways.
But as I near register number twelve, we seem to have met again.
He is still shivering, as he is buying some toys, he explains to the cashier that these are his Christmas gifts for his 3 beautiful children.
But as soon as the cashier says how much the toys are, his eyes grow wide in astonishment.
He realizes that he doesn’t have enough money to buy a toy of some sort for each child.
But before he grabs all of the items to put them back,
 I reach over and hand him one hundred and fifteen dollars and eighty four cents.
This amount of money covers all of his children’s Christmas presents without him having to pay a dime.
As this event is happening, I can’t imagine what it would be like to have no presents on Christmas.
Or not being able to see his children smile with the gifts that their daddy got them this year.
The man is more than thankful for my good deed, he thanks me numerous times.
And all I can say is: This will put a smile on your kid’s faces, Merry Christmas.
This brings me nothing but joy, happiness, and the gift of giving.
 I can’t think of anything better I could have spent $115.84 on than putting a
great, big smile on three kid’s faces on Christmas day.
Nothing better than a Christmas miracle

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

i'm doing a chapbook

I will be taking the original chapbook approach. I currently have 13 poems, so i will have to revise, and practice them so i can be prepared for the final presentation. I also have to write two or more poems to meet the requirements.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Shy Guts

Shy guts
As I stand here watching, I can’t help but look.
But as I gaze upon your beautiful face, I realize that this idea is a closed book.
Damn, are you kidding? She’s gorgeous!
Her face looks like it was carved by angels.
As soon as a muster the courage to ask her to dance, I second guess my decision.
Maybe she’ll turn me down.
Maybe she thinks I’m not cute.
Maybe she’s leaving.
But my conscience speaks up.
Hey, you,
 Come on, you got this.
I decide to have no regrets in that moment,
My Midwest charm is turned all the way on.
“May I have this dance?”
“Why of course” she answers, “I would love to!”
I lead her to the dance floor as I grasp her hand in mine
As we sway to the beat of the song that’s playing,
She lays down her head on my skinny broad shoulders.
But after that last song, it’s time for both of us to go.
This one night I will never forget, a kiss on the cheek after I saw her one last time,
Until she disappeared that night.
That was a sign I have seen one too many times,
The realization that I would not see her for a while killed me inside once again.

Maybe I’ll never see her again.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Getting wordy with it

A drazel is getting  pretzel
Because the baguette was too French for her tastes
The Illuminati symbol turns into a Boomerang, zooming by
 a bumblebee, humblebee, bumblebee is flying around an awesome blossom,
This is quite a threat if you are of adolesence.
A possum strolls by, and begins to climb a branch.
A festuceous excellence was shown by the possum’s ability to play dead.
The essence of the smell was like a kench had been sitting in the phosphorescence,
 as an apology was given by the odorous possum
Psychology, anthropology books were gotten after the song
I woke up in a new bugatti was played,
After that the art of Fastidiousness was all gone.   

Monday, November 4, 2013

Leaves ever changing

Your eyes are glued
To the outside of your
window, the leaves are falling.
Left, Left, Left, Right, Left, Up, Down, All around,
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Purple,
Each singular leaf’s path may not be foreseen.
Floating, Fluttering, Flipping, Flopping, onto the ground.
Along comes the rake, sweeping the leaf onward.
After it is swept onto and into the pile, you may not see it for a while.
Roll, Spin, Flip, Glide, many leaves are brought from Eurus, bringing a
Clumsy, Crazy, Curvy Boreas gust even closer to the frozen tundra
that we call Minnesota, or the place where hell froze over Hades
 Only time will tell us if the breeze will guide the leaves on a path, that may not be disturbed, or if the
gods of wind control their path so that they may bring happiness to all
who come upon the path of a leaf, Floating, Fluttering, Flipping, Flopping.
 Whirly, Light, filthy, clean as a whistle, weak, wet, dried, and dirty.
Puny, large, small, Humungous, Obscene
Each singular leaf’s path has been foreseen.
Left, Left, Left, Right, Left, Up, Down, All around,
Every leaf still has a little green,
and each with its own unique sheen.
Our eyes begin to fade, as we
Begin to blink, and notice that our eyes
Are no longer fixated on the window glass panes,
That is when we venture outside of our safe, warm, homes.
We take the gamble,
whip the poker face out to hide our fear
of Mother Nature’s gravitating force.
The leaves are falling, down, down, down.
Ringing around Rosie, falling down again.
Our vision starts to fade, as we become
enclosed from head to toe in leaves.
Breathing Heavily, emerged I am.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Engulfing Maternal Love

Barricaded in a window
glass shaded blue,
engulfs you
into the bleach white headscarf

Souls of Argentinean males
float above the outstretched hand
of maternal love.

Beneath the lone, bright, headscarf
a dull shadow of flags, flames
and once loving dames,
suddenly turns to Hades rage

No, reincarnation to the same
body is not possible.
Many lives have been lost,
Maternal love will not disappear
until … JUSTICE is near