Sunday, October 20, 2013

Descending from the treetops

Red, orange, yellow, and green;
Leaves on a crisp fall afternoon float to the soil floor.
Descending from maple trees, seed pods are a common autumn feature.
The zephyr propels the pods to spin like helicopter blades,
hauling the little copter’s farther and farther away with each gust of wind.
Small children grasp the seeds in their little hands and with a heave ho!
The pods leave, without saying goodbye.
 But the children know that the seeds are off to another adventure to find
the next rest stop from leaflet maps from a pod navigating system.
That is until they are blown away to brighten up someone else’s day.

1 comment:

  1. You have a nice use of poetic devices (a lot more than usual) in here.
