Thursday, October 24, 2013

We are Kin Poetry Journal

Kin Poetry Journal is a very modern site where many types of poetry are shown, with many different ways of viewing the poetry. Audio, articles and videos are shown on this site, as well as social media options. After clicked on many of the New Poem options i noticed that all of the poets who submitted a poem had their own personal style, rhythm and tone. I also noticed the poet's lifelong work in poetry is given beneath the poem which is a nice touch to an already modernized website
The two poems I especially liked were No Shield of Achilles, and Gently Still Finding You were poems that i just generally liked, as well as having interesting structures and great details throughout the poems.

"No Shield of Achilles" by Rimas Uzgiris (great name by the way) begins describing a moment where the power is out, and darkness is seeping into the once blue sky. The line "The stories are gone. There is no consolation." explains a line later in the poem "the half-blind, old, decrepit, the half-ghost husk
of our civilization. Absence encroaches" these lines portray the meaning of the absence of stories and that the stories are beginning to narrow because of the modern way of telling stories. But the title is contradicting to the poem, as it doesn't say anything about Achilles, but it does convey darkness as in the way Achilles died.

Siham Karami's poem "Gently Still Finding You" has the greatest descriptions i think i've ever seen, Karami helps you visualize the situations occurring  that he describes. The most vivid descriptions are in the lines "like sepals undernoticed, or a potted/cactus near the window no one looks through" and "hidden ventricles,/auricles collapsed and yet alive,/imaginary origami hearts" The origami hearts line is very distinct because of how he explains the ventricles and auricles as if he were looking inside the person he's writing about's heart.

Anyways, i thought this was a great website with great poetry and great styles and rhythms that i hope to obtain throughout this semester

1 comment:

  1. Wow- that is a great site, and your appreciation for "Gently Still Finding You" stands out here, but I'm not quite sure what you make of the poem. It sounds like a lover seeing signs of a lost partner long afterward.
