Sunday, October 20, 2013

In God's son we trust

In god’s son we trust
Thank you for preserving a life today.
A woman speeds through a red light…Texting
Her life could've been over in a millisecond
What was she thinking?
How long are you willing to wait for the light to turn green?
How much is it worth, your whole life?
Are you willing to wait, wait and don’t mind waiting?
How much is it worth, for you to go through the red light?

In any other situation she could have been one of those victims on those AT+T commercials.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really like this poem, a lot. You did a really good job of expressing the importance of patience without specifically naming it. Texting while driving is also a very controversial topic right now, I like how you questioned the importance of a text in contrast to the importance of a life.
